Saturday, August 31, 2019

‘A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove’ by James Moloney Essay

Carl Matt is a 15 year old boy who has had to deal with some pretty unfair situations, but he is definitely not the only one in the novel to face life changing events. Whilst Carls life takes the most noticeable turn in the novel, many of his fellow characters lives also change after his arrival. On arrival in Wattle Beach, Carls journey leads him to the character, Skip Duncan. Skip has also been dealt with unfair life challenges. The fact that Carl is a Matt creates many challenges for Skip. Skips daughter, Maddie also changes during the time Carl spends in Wattle Beach. Many characters change throughout the novel but Carl is definitely the most predominant. Carl Matt changes throughout the novel. Carl Matt is just a shy, sad character at the beginning of the book. In the start Carl was a pushover he just let people keep walking all over him. For example Carl sees Sarah (his sister) planning a holiday for herself, But Carl knew that she wouldnt come back, and he did not say anything. He just left for Aunt Beryls and made himself think that he was just going away for a holiday. When Carl reaches Wattle Beach he feels like an outcast. He stood up too suddenly and the chair toppled over backward. Faces turned to enjoy the comedy as he righted the chair, his skin reddened with fierce embarrassment.(Quote pg28). This quote shows that Carl is not a part of a group; he is just a new kid that no one knows or likes. But after a few weeks a Wattle Beach Carl gets a job, which makes him feel as if he is needed. Carl is constantly evolving in this book, in the beginning Carl wouldnt even dream of talking to Maddie but at the end of the novel Maddie is one of Carls best friends. Carl comes out of his shell at the end and shows Wattle Beach and Wisemans Cove residents who he really is My name is Carl Matt M-A-T-T (Quote pg 231). But Carl defiantly isnt the only one who changes throughout the novel. Carls employer Skip Duncan also changes and in a big way. When we are introduced to Skip Duncan, we meet a temperamental and gruff man. In the beginning Skip Duncan hates all Matts but Carl Matt is the one who changes his mind. At the start Carl asks Skip for a job but when Skip finds out his last name Skip explodes Matt, the word exploded. Skip turned again  to Joy is this some kind of joke? You bring a Matt onto my barge, let him come her asking me for a job! He was shouting by the time he reached the last word, indignation bulging in his face. Get off my barge, he yelled at the boy. (Quote pg 66). Skip explodes at poor Car, when he does not even know what kind of a person Carl is. This leads us to believe that Skip is very judgemental person. Even though in the beginning Skip is very, judgemental he evolves throughout the duration of the novel. By becoming less judgemental and more interested in meeting the person not the last name He stretched out his arm, hand open and Carl took it, a freezing slippery grip lasting not even a second. (Quote pg 133), this handshake even though it may be short shows that Skip has overcome the fact that Carl is a Matt and has accepted him for being CARL Matt. Skinny, tanned, blonde, Maddie Duncan is the girl that everyone wants to be or be with. But along with being pretty she also has a very bad attitude, but that changes throughout the novel. When we first meet Maddie Duncan we meet a spoilt brat. She has a bad attitude and thinks that everyone loves her. But Carl, Justine and Joy help to change her into a person that people really do like. Thats one advantage Carl and I have over you said Justine Youre lucky then was Maddies reply (Quote pg 150), this quote shows us that Maddie was spoilt and stroppy but after this little episode Joy talks to Maddie and her attitude changes. She was too helpless with laughter and exhaustion to challenge him for the pizza now(Quote pg 181)This quote shows that she has changed into a person that people really do like, she has ditched her attitude and dumped the extra baggage (Nathan Trelfo). This means she is a freer person and is comfortable within herself, which at the beginning of the novel she wasnt. Maddie also learns to stand up for herself, as she doesnt let Nathan push her around. Shows youre a better judge that me. Maddie laughed He said some terrible stuff about your brother and Aunt (quote pg 154). This shows that Maddie is sick of Nathan and is ready to dump him which she does later in the novel. Maddie Duncan is constantly changing through the story, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. But the most important thing is that her and the people around her are happy. Carl Matt experiences many life altering changes throughout the novel. However he is not the only one. Skip Duncan grows from being judgemental to being understanding. Maddie develops from a spoilt brat to a loving friend. So even though Carl Matts life takes a massive turn in the story, Skip and his daughter Maddie also have alterations made to their lives.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Regulatory Agency Paper Essay

The industry in healthcare requires that its foundation in leadership is to follow procedures, rules, and regulations, which will help an organization, succeed in their leadership role in healthcare. This paper will identify important aspects of governmental or other agency such as Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) that governs the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry. In addition, this paper will also identify the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) role, the impact it has on healthcare, the examples how they carry out their duties in regards to healthcare, the regulatory authority does JCAHO have in relation to health care, and what is their process for accreditation, certification, and authorization. Moreover, The Joint Commission was known as the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organization. According to Feigenbaum (2013), â€Å"the Joint Commission, issues one of the most prestigious accreditations in the health care industry. This nonprofit organization sets high standards for hospital, skilled nursing home health and health-care staffing company operations and performs regular reviews, checks and audits to ensure accredited organizations comply† (ehow, 2013, para. 1). As a result, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has come to trust the judgment of the Joint Commission because of their reputation they have on certifying many medical facilities as â€Å"Medicare compliant† (ehow, 2013, para. 3). More than 15, 000 health care programs and organization throughout the United States are evaluated by The Joint Commission, which is not-for-profit organization that works independently since 1951 to maintain top of the line standards that promote on how to improve the safety and quality of care that many health care organization provides. Agency’s Structure The structure of The Joint Commission is â€Å"governed by a 29-member Board of Commissioners that includes physicians, administrators, nurses, employers, a labor representative, health plan leaders, quality experts, ethicists, a consumer advocate and educators. The Board of Commissioners brings to The Joint Commission diverse experience in health care, business and public policy. The Joint Commission’s corporate members are the American College of Physicians, the American College of Surgeons, the American Dental Association, the American Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association† (The Joint Commission, 2013). In addition, The Joint Commission have approximately 1,000 surveyors that are employed to survey health care facilities throughout the United States. â€Å"It central office office in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, and at a satellite office in Washington, D.C. The Washington office is The Joint Commission’s primary interface with government agencies and with Congress, seeking and maintaining partnerships with the government that will improve the quality of health care for all Americans, and working with Congress on legislation involving the quality and safety of health care† (The Joint Commission, 2013). Organization’s Effect on Health Care The effect that The Joint Commission has on health care is that each hospital or health care facility that need to meet the The Joint Commission standards. For example, â€Å"patient rights, patient treatment, and infection control are standards that need to meet the expectation of the Joint Commission. The standards focus not simply on an organization’s ability to provide safe, high quality care, but on its actual performance as well† (The Joint Commission, 2013). Values that are set for performance expectations of activities that concerns and affect the safety of patients as well as the quality of care they receive. Otherwise if hospitals do not meet The Joint Commission standards they will not get accredited and that can have an effect in Medicaid/Medicare payments in that health care facility. However, if the organization provide high standard in patient care and they perform them well then the patient will have good experience in the outcome of patient care. Moreover, The Joint Commission creates standards in collaboration with experts in healthcare, measurement experts, providers, consumers and purchasers. Example of the Agency Carrying Out Its Duties Examples that The Joint Commission has when carry out their duties is that they provide assessment of the health care facility or organization that are in compliance with the standards and how they perform. As a result, The Joint Commission will assess the organization compliance with values and their fundamental of performance. â€Å"The Joint Commission assess the organization’s compliance with standards based on: Patient and staff interviews about actual practice, Performance improvement data/trends, verbal information provided to the Joint Commission by key organizational leaders, and , On-site observations by Joint Commission surveyors† (The Joint Commission, 2013). Regulatory Authority Relation to Health Care The regulatory authority that The Joint Commission has in relation to health care is that they maintain a list of agencies throughout the state that will identify accreditation/certification throughout the United States health care facilities. For example, The Joint Commission will monitor legislative and regulatory activities in the state. â€Å"The Joint Commission’s various accreditation/certification programs are recognized and relied on by many states in the states’ quality oversight activities. Recognition and reliance refers to the acceptance of, requirement for, or other reference to the use of Joint Commission accreditation, in whole or in part, by one or more governmental agencies in exercising regulatory authority† (The Joint Commission, 2013). For example, in Texas the Routine inspections of the â€Å"The Department of State Health Services (department) may conduct an inspection of each hospital prior to the issuance or renewal of a hospital license. (1) A hospital is not subject to routine inspections subsequent to the issuance of the initial license while the hospital maintains: (A) certification under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 United States Code (USC),  §Ã‚ § 1395 et seq; or (B) accreditation by a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-approved organization† (The Joint Commission, 2013). Process for Accreditation, Certification, and Authorization The Joint Commission process for accreditation, certification and authorization is â€Å"to earn and maintain accreditation, a hospital must undergo an on-site survey by a Joint Commission survey team. Joint Commission surveys are unannounced and occur 18 to 39 months after the previous unannounced survey. The objective of the survey is not only to evaluate the hospital, but to provide education and guidance that will help staff continue to improve the hospital’s performance. The survey process evaluates actual care processes by tracing patients through the care, treatment and services they received. It also analyzes key operational systems that directly impact the quality and safety of patient care† (The Joint Commission, 2013). In addition, the surveying team can include a health care professionals such as a nurse, physician, hospital administrator who has senior management level experience, and life safety code specialist. â€Å"The Joint Commission has a group of more than 400 surveyors, reviewers and life safety code specialists who are trained and certified, and receive continuing education on advances in quality-related performance evaluation† (The Joint Commission, The Surveyor Process, 2008, para. 5). The Accreditation process is a continuous; data-motivated that focuses on the overall systems operation which is crucial to the quality and safety of patient care. The following are important aspect of the process which includes: Periodic Performance Review (PPR) an annual review where the health care facility will evaluate their compliance with relevant standards and widen an action plan that can help them identify areas where they are not compliance. The tracer methodology is another process used â€Å"On-site evaluation of standards compliance in relation to the care experience of patients using a â€Å"tracer† methodology. Tracer activities permit assessment of operational systems and processes in relation to the actual experiences of selected patients who are under the care of the organization. This activity actively engages all direct caregivers in the accreditation process† (The Joint Commission, 2008). The Priority Focus Process (PFP) is a survey that looks at quality of care of patients and their safety. The Joint Commission will do unannounced survey to apply the credibility of how they do the accreditation process so the surveyors can look at the performance of the organization under a normal day for the health care facility. If the health care facility being surveyed passes the audits then the hospital can get accredited for another three years and this authority comes from The Joint Commission who has high standards on patient safety and quality of care. Conclusion The leadership foundation of a health care industry identifies a governmental or other agency, such as JCAHO, that governs the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry in order to provide patient safety and quality of care through their structure, their effect on health care, their duties, their regulatory authority in relation to health care, and their process for accreditation, certification and authorization. References Feigenbaum, E (2013). Ehow. Jcaho Reciprocal Credentialing Regulations. Retrieved on October 13, 2013 from The Joint Commision (2008). Facts about The Joint Commission. Retrieved on October 13, 2013 from The Joint Commission (2013). Inspiring health care excellence. Retrieved on October 13, 2013 from The Joint Commission. Code of Conduct. Retrieved on October 13, 2013 from

Anthropology sociology Essay

Culture as defined by anthropologist Tylor; â€Å"is that complex whole which includes the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. † Greenblatt recognizes this definition as vague and more of a gesture towards other more specific cultures such as : â€Å"youth culture† or â€Å"human culture†. He makes his most definitive statement about culture when defining what it does not refer to- materials. Panegyric and satirical writing are both involved with the â€Å"praise and blame† of literature. Panegyric takes on the â€Å"praise† by positively reinforcing societal structures. Whereas, satire plays the â€Å"blame† card working towards pointing out the faux pas of society. Cultivation is â€Å"the internalization and practice of a code of manners†. â€Å"Exchange† is the means in which mobility is achieved. It is the borrowing of plots and adaptations from other literary works; that aren’t necessarily a part of the writers culture. Exchange is the transmission of other cultures. Exchange reaches beyond the social â€Å"constraints† of society. Culture is created through this â€Å"praise and blame† system that takes place both inside the text and also in society. Which works of literature are glorified and held up by a society? And which works of literature are looked down upon by society? Great artists are agents of mobility. Riding this in between zone of â€Å"praise and blame† — they represent the â€Å"and† the possibility of improvisations amongst a particular society. Literature in this sense is both a byproduct of culture but also literature aids in creating the social restraints of a culture. These two concepts constantly reinforce each other in a circular way– making both the mobility and the constraints of culture a possibility. This idea of mobility and constraints also bring to mind the author’s intention. It seems to me that the author will inherently represent culture in his/her writing because that is what is known– that would be the part that wasn’t intended, the constraints of society. However, I think cultural exchange and mobility would have to of been intended by the author–the ideal vision of what they think the world should be like.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory - Essay Example Bernice Skytt (2008) has found this tool to be is satisfactory for use after doing extensive research. This tool is widely used in clinical settings and was basically developed by three biggest and national level nursing organizations. As part of my current topic, I would be personally be analyzing some parts of this skill inventory and would discuss its implications on my work. Personal and professional accountability My personal growth and development been my strength and I would rate it as expert practices since I have strong annual plans that I implement and I am still carrying on with future education and I intend to carry on with it. For me ethical considerations have always been a top priority and I believe in establishing highest possible ethical and moral standards for my nursing practice. I would rate myself as skillful and competent in the field of professional association involvement. Professional associations for networking and development have been under my consideratio n for a long time and I intend to improve more on them. During my stay at various hospitals, I have earned several certifications in my specialty so I would rate myself as an expert in this. ... Personal journey disciplines Development of individual leadership qualities and strengthening them has always been a top priority for me in the field of nursing. I consider myself as an expert in council management and this is something that promotes my leadership abilities. For me action learning and reflective practice would be placed as competitive skill. I completely understand this and always try to improve more on these standards as to develop better leadership qualities. Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets To be a successful professional I need to act upon certain guidelines which can put my leadership reflections in my profession and I am an expert in most of these guidelines. I always value integrity and truth in my profession and take it to highest possible levels. Diversity is a tool I am skillful at but I would regard myself a complete expert when it comes to holding multiple perspectives without biased opinion, in discovering potentials of life and keeping my commitments to myself. I would however admit for having novice experience in emotional self. Current Leadership Skills as Method of Improvement I intend to use my leadership to improve workplace on individual and professional grounds for the whole team. Since I have a deep understanding on my field and I am still in process of acquiring knowledge I can use every new aspect I learn on practical grounds and work for welfare of my patients. My understanding on my future helps me in making better and more productive decisions. Moreover, I can use my council management skill in improving the workplace in general but using my leadership qualities and ensuring that all the concerns in a team are

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Hershey Chocolate Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Hershey Chocolate Company - Research Paper Example Before Hershey’s existence, the citizens from the wealthy class were the only ones who could afford milk chocolates. Hershey’s marketing strategy entailed producing high-quality milk chocolate that were sold at a low-cost. The market for Hershey chocolate grew widely, and as a result, it called for building more factories in new areas such as New York and Philadelphia. The chocolate company became involved in developing innovative products such as â€Å"kisses chocolates†, which were introduced in the 1920s. Additionally, over the years the company has been involved in making more innovative chocolate products, which consumers around the world have appreciated (Bozich 34). Milton S. Hershey the founder of the Hershey Company was born in the year 1857 and later died in the year 1945. He was a resident of Pennsylvania, which later came to be the location and headquarters of the chocolate company. For almost four years, he served as an apprentice to a local candy ma ker in Lancaster. Hershey himself faced obstacles in his quest of becoming a wealthy entrepreneur. His first business venture that involved making candy was in Philadelphia; however, this particular business failed after 6 years. Hershey’s breakthrough in the chocolate industry came when he moved back to Lancaster and focused on developing the Lancaster Caramel Company. Hershey later became interested in the chocolate industry, although, getting the right recipe for the chocolate products turned out to be a hard task. He worked towards creating the right recipe for chocolate bars, during those times information regarding chocolate recipe were highly secretive. Fortunately, he developed a recipe with the best formula of sugar, milk and cocoa that made the best chocolate. Ultimately, he came to form the Hershey Chocolate Company (D'Antonio 56). The cocoa beans used, by Hershey, to make chocolate comes from West Africa, particularly Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. The Hershey Co mpany has sister companies such as â€Å"Museum Experience†, Chocolate Lab†, â€Å"Cafe Zooka† and â€Å"Museum Shop† (D'Antonio 96). Customers know â€Å"The Hershey Company† for its chocolate products,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Corporate governance reform of listed company in china Essay

Corporate governance reform of listed company in china - Essay Example In addition, the corporate governance of a company is indispensible in influencing how the company is functioning. According to Development Institute (2005), â€Å"the presence of strong governance standards provides better access to capital and aids economic growth.† Thus good corporate governance ascertains that the business operation of a company is transparent and fair and simultaneously enables the controlling authorities to hold companies accountable for their actions in the market. On the contrary, weak corporate governance leads a company towards corruption, mismanagement as well as waste of useful resources (Lin, 2001). Centre for Financial Market Integrity (2007) mentioned that â€Å"Corporate governance is critically important to a country’s economic growth and stability, because it provides the credibility and confidence that is fundamental to capital markets.† Hence, from the discussion it is evident that corporate governance is an important subject for a nation’s economy. The recent history of corporate governance and economic reforms in China has been marked as one of the important phases of the country as it started to focus more on the development of private enterprises and capitalism (Bebchuk and Hamdani, 2009). Moreover, China also succeeded to align itself with the international economy and has further sought to espouse Western-style administration mechanisms and legal principles pertaining to the function of its companies (Rand Corporation, 2008). The chronological development of the corporate governance in China has passed through four major stages. The first stage was from 1949 to 1983, where state-owned enterprises (SOEs) subjugated the Chinese economy and as a result, the state controlled and commanded almost every economical aspect (Bhagat, Bolton and Romano, 2008). During this era, the Western-style corporate governance also did not existed in the country. The second stage was from 1984 to 1993. This phase is characterised by commencement of the separation of enterprise and government in China. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) was also established in this epoch. Alongside this, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) was also established as a government body to regulate the stock market. The third stage continued from 1994 to 2005, which is marked by the commencement of trialling the modern enterprise structures. The company law was also passed which mentioned the responsibilities and rights for the companies operating in China. Despite, the passage of company law, it had a far-reaching affect on the Chinese Economy and corporate governance and as a consequence, the state shareholders enjoyed overwhelming favouritism over single investors (Roe, 2002; Development Institute, 2005). The fourth stage as is currently in progress from 2006 onwards. During this phase corporate governance has witnessed colossal growths in China. It encompassed legislation that was aimed to form equilibrium of the power asymmetry among the individual or single shareholders and state shareholders. The current corporate governance system of china lacks credibility. This can be said from the fact that many of the Chinese companies are not aligning to the standard policies and regulations of the business as well as government

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Impact of Culture on Conservatism Assignment

The Impact of Culture on Conservatism - Assignment Example l with the presentation of those principles encompasses judgment yet cultural dissimilarities may result in alterations in the submission of those criterions. For instance, in relating a regulation that needs acknowledgment of a dependent damage when its realization is â€Å"plausible,† accountants in more highly traditional countries might make a mistake on the side of traditionalism by instituting a lower possibility verge as compared to bookkeepers in less traditional nations. Different segments in which values might result in dissimilarities in the use of monetary recording regulations include segments in which approximation and decision are involved, guarantee cost, irrecoverable outstanding, income recognition, asset damage checks, outdated portfolios, etc. Cancan’s in-house inspectors are required to remain conscious that bookkeepers in these diverse nations might entertain value-oriented prejudices in the manner in which they relate the company’s bookkeeping rules. Bookkeepers in Korea and Brazil may be increasingly traditional (higher UA, lower IND) in relating Cancan’s accounting rules than the bookkeepers in Sweden (lower UA, higher IND). The in-house inspector needs to draw a timetable to do checks to define whether this prejudice is operative. Exigencies, guarantee amount, doubtful outstanding, income appreciation, asset weakening tests, and outdated portfolios are all segments which need significant decision-making capacity. Bookkeepers in Korea and Brazil may be increasingly traditional (higher UA, lower IND) in relating Cancan’s accounting rules than the bookkeepers in Sweden (lower UA, higher IND). The in-house inspector needs to draw a timetable to do checks to define whether this prejudice is ope rative. Exigencies, guarantee amount, doubtful outstanding, income appreciation, asset weakening tests, and outdated portfolios are all segments which need significant decision-making capacity. Besides, the bookkeepers in Brazil and Korea may be less inclined to give evidence demanded by the in-house inspectors due to of an upper range of confidentiality.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild - Essay Example Apparently, industrial revolution became a major tool of change among the whites and the blacks. So many Africans became sycophants of white rulers simply because of the nature of their rule. In addition, a strong relationship existed among the whites and the colonialists that gave the blacks a recognizable strategy of making sure that some issues were approached in a technologically sound way. Some items of trade like ivory, rubber, guns, and steam boats were mainly used by colonialists to enhance their strategy and to provide a better way of realizing their goals. During that particular era, slaves were the main target for colonial masters (Hochschild 33). Also, new technologies facilitated colonization process by making sure that all the colonial territories were managed in a highly controllable manner. With the use of guns, colonial masters engaged in superior war tactics that finally created a territorial battle among the colonial masters. Most of the colonial masters participat ed in a process that gave an indication of where various communication strategies were practiced. With the kind of knowledge that was available by then, many European powers decided to practice the act of ruling Africa with an iron fist. With the use of technology not withstanding, there was an indication that many countries in African were not ready for any kind of kind of leadership that could ruin their action. Use of superior weapons such as guns and effective means of transport gave the colonialists the power to control the Africans in a manner that reflected strong urge for leadership. Industrial revolution offered many African nations an opportunity to understand the strength of colonial masters. All the relevant aspects were considered by colonial masters. It is undeniable to point out that all the aspects of colonialism originated from the desire by colonial masters to offer the best of their services in Africa. Nevertheless, a substantial number of colonial groups based th eir success on the use of superior weapons and technology. A perfect illustration of technology application is when the Africans are colonized from a perspective that is not the will of the many local people (Hochschild 76). Again, the success of colonialists was significantly as a result of use of superior weapons. Africans were defeated on the grounds that many colonialists were using highly superior weapons. For example, there was no way an African was allowed to use a gun during the war. This was simply a strategy by many colonialists to avoid the undermining of public image. There was a perception by then that Africans could make easily in any battle if their weapons were crude and inferior. Also, the colonial masters in most parts of the African continent decided to investigate the influence caused by such kind of battles in common people. The outcome therefore revealed clearly that so many people within the continent had a strong perception about the colonialism and its negat ive effects. The ultimate impact of the technological approaches became the final indication of how African colonies could be ruled (Hochschild 45). The killing of many Congolese never appeared in the American news and media simply because African was perceived as a dark continent. The massacre went unnoticed and many people were killed with the use of superior weapons. Unlike the Nazi massacre in Germany, the killing of so many

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Intentional & Unintentional Socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intentional & Unintentional Socialization - Essay Example This affect the person’s development of how their self-concept, how they feel, how they think, and how they act. Hence, socialization may be intentional and unintentional. Intentional socialization is the acquiring of social experience which is done on purpose. This happens â€Å"when adults have certain values that they consistently convey explicitly to the child, and when they back these up with approval for compliance and negative consequences for noncompliance† (Berns). Take for an instance the potty training that a child receives. Reminding the child continuously on how to use the toilet for urination and defecation makes the child aware that there is a proper place to do it. Another example is an adult reminding the child on not talking to strangers. The consistent reminder will let the child learn that it is not proper to talk to a person that you do not know because that person may hurt him or her. Also, an adult reminding a child to brush his teeth three times a day gives the child the impression of the importance of oral hygiene. The negative reinforcement of hitting or embarrassing the child when he/she did not do it right or giving positive reinforcement when he did it right makes it easier for him to remember these. On the other hand, unintentional socialization is acquired more as â€Å"the product of involvement in human interaction or observation† (Berns). For example, when a child sees his parents fighting, he might take it as if it is okay to shout at each other during a conversation. Another instance is that when a child sees that an adult smokes frequently, he may perceive smoking as good for the health. Moreover, the child will have the instinct to do it when he reaches the same age. Also, if a child is the only girl born in the family, she might have the tendency to resemble the look of his boy siblings, choosing more loose pair of jeans and clothes. So to say, the development of human personality is influenced

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Direct Cause of the Second World War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Direct Cause of the Second World War - Essay Example Although many historians might state that the Second World War was an inevitable explosion of tensions that had built up over the years due to globalization and European control of resources, this paper insists that the unprovoked actions of the German regime under the orders of Adolf Hitler is the immediate cause of the war. Adolf Hitler's Nationalism Adolf Hitler's rise to power is one that was marked by a call for a strong nationalist leader who could restore Germany to its former glory. This therefore gave him the impetus to rise and fill the vacuum that existed in the German society. The First World War (1913 – 1919) came as a big blow to the Austrian-Hungary Kingdom which was the predecessor of the Germany that Hitler inherited. The First World War, had also been fought over the control of natural resources and the expansion of the most powerful nations of the world to control international trade. Germany had entered the war under the leadership of the Kaiser and Ministe rs of the country and most of the war was fought outside Germany (Axelrod 16). After the War, the victorious allies, led by Britain formed the league of nations which forced Germany to surrender by signing the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty failed to punish the Kaiser or Ministers of Germany, Austria and Hungary who were truly responsible for the war (Axelrod 15). Instead, the Treaty of Versailles sought to weaken the Germans by forcing them to cede 13% of their lands to allied nations like France, Poland and Czechoslovakia who had supported the British-led campaign during the First World War. Secondly, the Treaty of Versailles limited the German military capabilities with statutes and placed serious economic strains on the German people. In periods of economic depression, nations often look out for someone to blame and they seek strong leaders who can come up with solutions that would lift the masses out of poverty, this gave the impetus for the rise of Hitler. Hitler is quoted a s saying â€Å"In view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, [the masses] more easily fall victim to a big lie than a little one.† in his unpopular manifesto the main kampf. (Axelrod 27). Axelrod goes further to quote the Joseph Goebbels the Propaganda Minister of the Nazi Party as saying â€Å"That's my trade: hatred. It makes you a long way further than any other emotion.† (30). This new position created alongside Hitler's rise and growth of the Nazi party was clearly steeped in settling old scores and misleading the German people into fighting against other nations and peoples they considered were enemies of the German people. Through this, the Nazi party gradually built a one-party state and established a dictatorship. This clearly shows that with the fertile grounds prepared by the problems and challenges of the 1920s Germany, Hitler could easily come in with his malicious thoughts and ideas meant to punish people that he had brooded hatred against in the pa st. Hitler was able to promise Germans that â€Å"he could lead Germany back to the strength, he could overcome the psychological depression of the past defeat and the economic depression of Germany's contemporary situation† (Weinberg 53). This therefore shows that Hitler presented himself as the kind of savior that Germany needed to retain its past glory. However, Hitler did this by arising through the ranks to become a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Journal 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Journal 2 - Essay Example Human Resource Development can be defined as the process of preparing or enhancing competencies, skills, attitudes and the knowledge of the employees in an organization. The employees can qualify to be called human resources when they become useful components in the organization by acquiring the ability to play their roles efficiently (Kuchinke, 2010). Human Resource Development ensure that the staffs are able to work efficiently. Therefore, this process aims at producing knowledgeable, competent and skilled employees that will be able to work optimally toward realizing the organization goals and objectives. Human Resource Development is conducted through various ways such as career planning, organization development, training, and development, which help in imparting appropriate skills and knowledge onto the employees. Human Resource Development is a continuous process that takes a proactive approach in order to capacitate employees in their different roles and ensuring that they ac hieve their full potential. This process also helps to better the lives of the employees, as it concentrates on all-around development of the human resources (Poell, 2011). In conclusion, Human Resource Development is a crucial process that focuses on the development of the employees both at the workplace and in other aspects of their lives. It is done through training and development, whereby suitable knowledge and skills are imparted on the employees, thus making them competent and knowledgeable (Kuchinke,

Learning Team Objective Essay Example for Free

Learning Team Objective Essay During weeks four and five, we learned all about methods a company can have a picture of their overall fiscal rankings. A few of the subjects dealt with include using a report of cash flows to observe the coming in and going out of cash, assessing fiscal reports, the way to report the issuance of the various kinds of stock and dividend payments, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act influence. A report of cash flows indicates the receipt and payment of cash for the organization. The direct method is desired by the FASB, even though both ways are acceptable, and shows cash receipts and payments in operations whereas the indirect method changes net income which does not influence cash. To get commenced with a report of cash flows, the organization must change its net income from an accrual basis to a cash basis. Ultimately, an organization may decide their free cash flow to find out the amount of money is remaining after adjustments for capital expenses and dividends have been completed. The 3 methods of assessment are the horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis. Horizontal assesses the fiscal report data during a period of time. This decides the increase or reduction which has occurred. Vertical analysis reports every item like a percent of base sum. This decides what amount of the total assets are existing assets or what amount of the net sales are selling expenditures. Ratio analysis reports the connection amongst the chosen items of the reports. This decides liquidity of assets, profits of the organization, and the solvency ratio informs if the organization is likely to survive over a long interval of time. Investors are able to use the cash flow report to find out if the organization has adequate cash to increase operations and pay dividends. The organization may use the information in the cash flow report to assess the effectiveness of operations. Cash flow from funding activities shows any modifications in debt, loans, or dividends. Issuing stock or rising long-term borrowing is actually a cash inflow. Paying dividends or decreasing liability is a cash outflow. Moreover, cash flow from operating activities calculates the modifications in cash flows from operations needing a calculation of the modifications in account balances in the balance sheet between accounting intervals. Scenarios may happen which result in unethical accounting routines because of lacking in the financial controls set down and followed by higher administration people. All six of these methods not just require to be set up but they must be adopted and enforced as well by way of assessment and follow-up. In case even one of the controls isnt set up in that case the opportunity may become open for unethical conduct. For instance, in case you dont specify duty by just having one individual accountable in that case it results in a lack of accountability if something is incorrect. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was put into operation in 2002 as a result of great number of unethical and fraudulent scenarios abounding in companies. This Act says that all publicly operated organizations should have noted internal fiscal controls in the organization. Organizations must submit an assessment of the effectiveness and value of their internal controls with their conclusion of year fiscal package. Regular outside audits are carried out to make sure compliance by the companies with this Act. In case violations are found anytime, penalties and fines might be enacted upon higher administration level people to include imprisonment. To conclude, over weeks 4 and 5 we have learned all about the ways of creating cash flow reports, the way to apply the 3 different ratios when deciding how nicely or lousy the organization is performing fiscally, the way to report journal entries of the issuance of stock and common stock and the way to announce and enter payments from dividends, and lastly the way to stay ethical in accounting and be in conformity with SOX.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Dolls House Noras Emancipation Proclamation English Literature Essay

A Dolls House Noras Emancipation Proclamation English Literature Essay A Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen, demonstrates the powerful independence of the constrained and confined wife figure, Nora. The symbolism of the macaroons, the lamp, costumes, the Christmas tree, the lark and Noras departure demonstrate the characterization of Nora as an individual who is at first treated like an object, but later fights as a woman who wants to live for her own merit. Her husband Torvald sets the typical standard of a man who controls and manipulates his wife like a doll, Noras break from the oppressors in her life are unheard of at the time the play was written; Nora thus being an exceptional individual who was ready to emancipate herself from a male driven household. Early in the play, Nora subconsciously seeks her own freedom. She craves macaroons which her husband explicitly forbids her to eat. Despite this, she often sneaks them anyways for her own pleasure. Hasnt Miss Sweet Tooth been breaking rules in town today? Taken a bite at a macaroon or two? (Ibsen 1091) The macaroons and Dr. Ranks love for her are symbolic for an escape from Torvalds dominant nature. Nora acknowledges that Dr. Rank loves her and is thoroughly aware of it; however, she refuses to tell her husband and keeps it secret from him, just like the macaroons. Though Nora does not turn on Torvald and leave with Dr. Rank, she acknowledges him as a friend, which effectively brings forth camaraderie between the two that is separate from Torvalds grasp. Noras persona is brought forth as a doll to be dressed up according to her masters whims. Noras father would consistently be unhappy and disgruntled with her if her opinions differed from his own, and she was later haunted by forging her fathers signature as well as Krogstads loan, even if it was just to help her husband. Perhaps she is afraid to tell Torvald because it would demean him as a man to know he owed anything to his wife. Nora states, How painful and humiliating it would be for Torvald, with his manly independence, to know that he owed me anything! (Ibsen 1128) Her husband also further established the idea of Nora as a doll of his own. He dressed her up in costumes for their masquerade. This dress up is also seen in the Christmas tree that Nora and Torvald decorate. Like their marriage, the beauty and light of the Christmas tree is a faà §ade. Torvald often enjoyed calling Nora his little lark, Miss. Obstinate, my little squirrel, my little songbird. This terminology reaffirms that though he felt she was endearing and cute, her desires ultimately were subordinate to his own. This is especially true in the symbolism of the lark. Torvald questions Nora, Is that my little lark twittering out there? (Ibsen 1137). Birds are typically a symbol of flight and freedom, for him to compare her to a bird becomes ironic due to the lack of freedom he gives her in their home environment. She lives by and for her husband, in his house, with her wings clipped. Towards the end of the play, Nora has an epiphany and brings forth the claim that thought she has been oppressed her whole life, she no longer will be. Our home has been nothing but a play-room. Ive been your doll-wife here, just as at home I was Papas doll-child (Ibsen 1146). For Nora, this realization is vital to her development as a free woman. The two primary men in her life, her father and Torvald, have been treating her not as equal persons, but as a plaything. Torvald states, I wouldnt be a man if I didnt find you twice as attractive because of your womanly helplessness (Ibsen 1143). The ugliness and falsities of their love have also come forth when Torvald reveals how its Noras job to be solely, helplessly rely on her husband. This is brought forth especially in the symbolism of the Christmas tree. Like their marriage, it was thought to be beautiful and ornate, but is now ugly and desolate after the truth is revealed. Though Torvald descents and says that Nora has an equally important duty as a mother and wife, this does not sway Noras resolve. She proclaims, I have another duty equally sacred (Ibsen 1147). The duty Nora speaks of is the duty of self-actualization. She wants to be recognized as her own person, not just as a wife or a mother. This ideology was very much considered blasphemy at the time the play was written; however, now one can look at it as one of the first steps toward the feminist movement. Noras ending scenes demonstrate the validity and reality of her break from her oppressors. She goes so far as to say she cannot spend another night in a strangers household, showing that her husband never really knew her. Torvald feels Noras deceit would poison the children, stating, I shall not allow you to bring up the children; I dare not trust them to you (Ibsen 1142). This is Torvalds way of stripping Nora of her motherhood. Nora, however, realizes that it was not her debt that would poison the children, but rather the treatment of the children that would poison them. If it continued, they would become dolls like her. Along with the Christmas tree being stripped and dismantled, Nora also changes out of her tarantella costume. The costume that Torvold adored and made him feel so in love with her. She leaves the disguise of her costume and exposes her true self. This is symbolic of Noras departure from a man who enjoyed making her dress up for his amusement. I pretend you are my s ecret love, my young, secret bride-to-be, and nobody has the slightest suspicion that there is anything between us (Ibsen 1137). Torvalds fantasies of Nora in some sort of peril, almost a different person, show the illusion and faà §ade behind their marriage. Torvald believes in his honor as a man; he does not consider the validity and moral backing behind Noras loan until its too late. He reprimands Nora until he realizes she wont be charged. Only when his reputation is not at stake is he willing to make amends. This is characteristic of a man who loves his wife when it best suites him, instead of a man who loves his wife through turmoil. Torvald exclaims, What a horrible awakening! All these eight yearsshe who was my joy and pridea hypocrite, a liarworse, worsea criminal! (Ibsen 1142) Nora sacrifices incredibly for Torvald, but he is not willing to repay the favor because of his honor, even willing to disgrace her. Torvald also says, Nora, I would gladly work for your sake. But no man can be expected to sacrifice his honor, even for the person he loves (Ibsen 1111). Noras rebuttal shows that his hypocrisy is sex based, and that women give for their husbands all their life. Millions of women have done it (Ibsen 1149). This shows that Nor a recognizes that she and many women of her time sacrifice for their husband to the point of it being excessive and unfair. By the end of the play, Nora has entirely realized that she can no longer survive as a doll to be toyed and paraded around. She slams the door behind her after announcing to Torvald that she wants nothing to do with him anymore. By shutting the door on Torvald and her family, Nora opens a new door to a life where she can live how she wants. She could never love Torvald unless he treated her like an equal, not a doll. Nora left a man who looked at her like a commodity or a pet, his little lark. She did what most women even in the modern era do not have the courage to do; she broke free.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Business Plan And Executive Summary For A Gym Business Essay

Business Plan And Executive Summary For A Gym Business Essay Executive Summary The location of the gym will be on a main road with good parking facilities. This will help the gym grow with members as it attracts people because of the location and give people advantages to join the gym with ample parking. There isnt much history about the gym because it is a band new business but the idea came to me about 5 months ago when i wasnt satisfied with what other gyms offered to customers. The business is situated in the retail sector because it provides gym equipment to people who dont have room at their houses or they cannot afford all the equipment themselves. The Prime function of the business is to provide gym equipment to people as well as help them achieve their fitness goals. The gym offers a wide range of products and equipment starting from bags, drinks and clothing to dumbells, treadmills and benches. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 269) Purpose of the Plan There can be many purposes for a business plan. The plan should provide a firm with a clear direction for the future and identifies the main goals of the business. / The goals of the gym would be social, financial and environmental goals. The social goals that the gym would like to achieve would be good service to patrons that use the facilities, helping the community through sponsorships of local sporting clubs and helping out schools through conducting sport lessons in the gym. Financial goals that the gym would like achieve would be to increase the owners wealth through increased market share, increased level of cash flow and increased level of liquidity. But increasing wealth is one of the objectives. The other financial objective would be to minimise the wastage of money on items or products that will not help the gym grow and not falling into heavy debt. Environmental goals that the gym would like to achieve would be to use electricity efficiently, install energy efficient appliances, minimise waste and disposing of the waste properly. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 269) v Situational Analysis Internal External ac4 Strengths (lob ortunities †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Good assistance provided by employees Great membership deals Cheap prices Good location r †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Weaknesses Threats †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Not enough employees when business is busy Toilet facilities too small Security Poor Receptionist †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 248) Business Objectives and Strategies The business objectives and strategies section of the business plan outlines what the business aims to achieve, including overall strategic goals. These goals will be based on research from the situational analysis. The Objectives of the Gym are to try and eliminate the weaknesses in the business and make them one of the strengths by working on them with one another and also to improve on strengths and try to make them stronger. Another Objective would be to take every opportunity possible to help the business grow and try to work around keeping threats away from the business. The final Objective would be to improve financial wealth for the owner and to build a good reputation within the community so people feel invited and welcomed when they visit the gym. These objectives can be accomplished through employees and owner working together. This means that employees can help one another with weaknesses and improve on strengths each person has to offer. Also, the owner must be willing to spend money for the improvement of the business. These improvements will include things like renovations when needed, sponsorships and buying extra stock. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 271) Operations Description of the service The technology used will be modern. The use of big televisions near treadmills and cardiovascular equipment will help people enjoy themselves while exercising. Memberships, cash transactions, and general business will be done on computers set up on the front counter and in the main office. This will include eftpos facilities, printers, cash register connected to computer. If possible that all 3 computers be linked so memberships can be done on all 3 computers and make renewals, show current members, on these computers. This will make work more convenient. Equipment and materials required will be based on how big the gym is and how quickly the business grows. Equipment required will be: Medicine balls †¢ Accessories †¢ Boxing Gear Gym flooring †¢ Barbells †¢ Cable Attachments Weight plates †¢ Benches †¢ Dumbells Materials that will be required will be things that are needed for day-to-day operations. These materials are: Filing Cabinets . Noticeboard †¢ Paper Lockers †¢ Shop Fittings . Pens Fridges . Office Furniture †¢ Chairs Supplies that will be used will include: Supplements †¢ Gym Singlets . Membership Packages Gym Equipment †¢ Sports Drinks (Bag, Towel, Bottle) Staff Uniform Staff will need to have a Timetable/Roster to inform them when they are working. This roster will be completed every Saturday. For the Staff that do not work on the weekends or dont have a chance to see the roster, the roster will be emailed to all staff members on the Saturday. This will eliminate the excuse of not knowing when and what time staff are working. The testing and evaluating expenses would be high because of the large amount of equipment needed to start up and also the sophistication of the technology used in the gym. The supplies would cost a bit because of the never ending need for it. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 271) Personnel requirements and skills The gym should recruit staff according to their qualifications and experience. Staff that are recruited should all specialise in a target area which they occupy during their work times at the gym. Examples of this would be some workers may only be on the front counter, working on the computers. Others may be working on cardio and strength exercises. This will keep things running smoothly and be more convenient for patrons to benefit from these people. The staff would be qualified personal trainers with a certificate III and certificate IV in personal training. ersonal trainers have added qualifications in weight loss, strength training and fitness which are an added bonus. The employer should check to see if the possible employee is qualified because in that industry, there are unqualified people calling themselves personal trainers. Training new and present workers on new technology that gets installed into the gym. Things such as new exercise machines and equipment need to be used in the right way to ensure things are safe and that equipment is stored correctly for safety. Employees need to know what the expectations are when it comes to helping patrons and becoming a leader for new/younger employees. Also understanding what working at a gym involves in regards to how you conduct yourself in front of others, coming to work on time etc. Employees should be able to stay motivated and maintain a good standard of work. This will happen if there is a reward system put in place where workers would get rewarded for doing something extra or working longer. This will become an initiative to keep workers working at a high standard, keep patrons happy and ensuring they come back to the gym knowing they are going to get good service. A safe and healthy work environment is essential for workers to be able to work in a comfortable environment where they can feel relaxed and work to their full potential. This should include a workers office where they can sit and relax during lunch breaks, freshen up; keep all their belongings in a locker. This also shows them that you are thinking about how they feel and try to make things the best as possible. Measuring employee performance would come from 3 main places. One of their evaluations,Will come from their work mates. Other evaluations would come from patrons through a short evaluation sheet which is optional to fill out after a worker has completed a training session with them. The last evaluation will come from the manager/boss talking to the worker themselves. This shows how the workers feels and get their honest opinion on how things could be improved around the gym. / Challenges that would be experiences throughout the operations element would be the high costs in setting up the business and the first few periods where business is slow and not so busy. The equipment should be set out properly and this would be hard with a small area to work with. The qualified employees will be a challenge to find because they are already working or they are almost finished studying to become a personal trainer. This becomes costly because you have to offer the people that are already working a better pay per hour or better salary. Training them to work in a gym would be time consuming because it is based on being good around people and having confidence to talk to therm. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 272, http://en.wikipedia,org/wiki/Personal_trainer} C(.5 Marketing Market Analysis The target market the gym would aim at would be a various number of groups of people. One of these groups of people would be people looking to lose weight through proper exercises and having excellent to guide them through their weight loss journey. The other target market would be people looking to train and gain muscle size as well as muscular strength. The other group of people would be woman, men and teens that are looking for good cardio sessions with a qualified trainer. These sessions will be a combination of light weights, treadmills and bikes. The gym will aim to provide these groups of people with the facilities and good environment to exercise in. As the gym grows, it needs to develop new things to attract people. Something that should be done is to invite local schools for their sport time and take them through a cardio session or a weights session depending on what the majority want to do. These activities should be free of charge for the first term, and a small charge for the sessions after the first term. This attracts teens to become a member and in turn, they will tell their mates to become a member. This leads to a quicker growth and a positive outcome on first timers. Competitors are a very influential factor on your business. They are influential because they determine what you charge for your membership fees, visitor fees and for supplies like shirts and supplements. This means not only do your prices have to be competitive, but your products and services that you are offering have to be of high quality. This is because people are willing to pay a little extra for their good or service but know that they are spending that little extra for top quality. If your prices and quality of goods and services are better that your competitors, it ultimately gives you the competitive advantage over them. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 274) Sales Forecasting Sales forecasting is an analysis of a firms sales figures based on individual products, sales representatives, geographic locations, seasonal or annual trends in sales, cash sales or credit card sales. These statistics are used to predict how much profit is going to be made by the firm in the future. It would be hard to create a sales forecast with a newly opened business. This is because the statistics that are provided are short term. Statistics should be at least one year old to show trends in consumer spending. One statistic that can show a future boom in the gym business is the winter season. People tend to join gyms during the winter, work out so their body looks good for the summer seasons. Another figure that is constant is the sale of supplements. These supplements are in constant demand and this is why the sales are always up. One other statistic would be the sale of supplies including towels, bottles, drinks, shirts and singlets. With these statistics and overall plan, business owners will be able to predict when they need to get more supplies, hire or call in more staff, and prepare themselves for the times where business isnt very busy. This would give business owners an advantage because it can help them in deciding how much supply they need, and avoid over-hiring. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 276) Marketing Strategies Marketing strategies will be directed towards achieving specific objectives that support the strategic goals of the business. Some goals may simply be based on increased sales, increased market share, entry into and establishment in a new market area, such as overseas, diversification of the product base and increased profits. Marketing strategies must be consistent throughout the marketing mix and take into consideration product, promotion, price and place. Studies page 278)There are many products and services that the gym offers. The products that the gym offers include gym apparel, bags, bottles and towels. These products are all of high quality and made by Skins USA. The packaging of these products are of high standard. They all come in sealed plastic bags. The size of the bags, bottles and towels are all practical in size. Not too big and not too small. The warranty on the products last for an extended period of time which suggests the quality is high and producers are confident that products are durable. If the product does fail, the gym will happily replace it within reason. Example, the bottle breaks because of misuse. The price of the gyms products and services are all reasonable. The gym memberships are about $70 a month for adults and about $55 for people under the age of 18. This price also includes a free gym bag, towel and bottle when you first sign up. This price beats all other competitors by $10. The products that are offered are priced at $20 for a bag, $10 for a towel and $5 or a bottle. The cheap prices are a result of finding a supplier that has cheap prices on their goods with good quality. / The promotion of the gym plays a crucial part in influencing people to join and become members. The strategy of inviting schools for a couple of free circuit sessions influences young people and also their teachers to join. Advertising through the local newspapers would be a cheap and effective way to bring people to the gym with advertisements about new membership offers or coupons that can be used to enter as a guest for free or a discounted price. Also, sponsoring local sporting clubs bring people of all ages to the gym and also give the business a good reputation for helping young people. The place of distribution of our products would only be at the gym. This is because the products are exclusive to out gym only. The storage of the products would be in storage rooms located within the gyms premises; most likely in the office. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Finance Financial requirements New businesses need have a clear idea of the amount of funds they will need. This could come from debt financing, the original owners equity or a future partners equity. The business plan should provide a breakdown of how these initial or additional funds will be used. The financial requirements needed to support the gym would be very high. The reasons for this would be the start-up costs of the business which includes things like buying the space, renovating and designing interior and exterior, purchases of new gym equipment and the employment of staff. This would be challenging for a sole trader, but with careful financial management the business can run smoothly, begin its establishment phase and not fall into too much debt too quickly./ Once the business has established itself and is on its journey through the growth stage, it must be able to support itself or else liquidity problems will develop. It is important that the gym owner manages the income wisely. This means not spending money on things that wouldnt be useful or not saving up for the times where business might not be as busy as he/she would like. The income made should be spent on the business with things such as maintenance of the equipment, buying more products for new members. This would allow the gym to grow steadily. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 281) Financial Forecasts Planning must relate directly to the prime function of the business. It tells the owners if they can actually afford to produce the product or provide the service. The firm must make financial forecast based on information gained from market and product research. Financial forecasts can be made through one of the following: Forecasted cash flow statements, projected profit and loss statements, recent profit or loss statements if business is already established, projected balance sheet, break even analysis. Forecasted cash flow statements show how much money is needed, when it is needed and where it will come from. Also reflect time frames such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. The gyms forecasted cash flow statement would be based on the sales forecasting. This is because both statistics are based on predictions on future sales. These statements are useful for when the business is close to its establishment phase or into the phase. For a business that is starting up, a personal balance sheet will be the better option. This is because owner will need to be able to keep their personal commitments and still provide enough income for family to live on. The balance sheet will explain how much money the gym is earning, where money is being spent in the gym, bill payments, workers wages, money to purchase supplies, and keep the business running smoothly. This will indicate the stability of the business and calculate its net worth. This will provide future buyers or investors of the business information on risks JClthey would be taking. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 282) / Financial Records Small businesses need to keep accurate financial records for all transactions. They will need to have one of the following: Revenue statements Cash flow statements Balance sheets Funds statements Budgets marketing, operations, employment relations and accounting and finance. For the gym, I have decided to use a balance sheet because it is easier and more convenient due to being a new business. Balance Sheet Projected up to 1 July 2011 Current Assets Cash at bank Accounts Receivable Stock $ $ total 22 000 93 000 77 500 192 500 Non current assets Equipment Motor Vehicles 900 000 70 000 970 000 Intangible Assets Goodwill 20 000 Total assets 1 182 500 Current liabilities Bank overdraft Accounts payable 100 000 50 400 -†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢. 150 400 Non current liabilities Long term loan 350 000 350 000 Total liabilities 510 400 Owners equity Capital Undistributed profits Drawings 150 000 143 800 121 000 414 800 C938 266 Total liabilities and owners equity Gym Liquidity Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities which substitutes into $192 500 divided by $150 400 which equals 1.28. This means i have one dollar and twenty-eight cents to pay back every dollar of short term debt. It would be preferable if i had a ratio of 2:1 so that my payments dont take up the majority of my revenue. Gym Solvency Total Liabilities divided by total Owners equity which substitutes into $510 400 divided by $414 800 which equals 1.23. This means that for every one dollar of equity it has one dollar .1and twenty-three cents in debt. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 283) Financial Controls In each business, controls need to be set up to provide standards to which the firm can compare itself. Controls allow for corrective action to be taken to keep the business on a successful path. Without controls, a firms ability to achieve success would be questionable. Controls that the business would need to implement would be standards that will need to be met. These standards will be the basis for improvement. One standard would be that when the gym reaches a satisfactory number of members, that figure should be maintained/improved on. Another standard would be the service that staff offers to people using the gym facilities. The staff should always treat people with respect and provide assistance and knowledge to people that are in need or ask for it. e/ c ,ix The major control that the gym will use would be setting a budget. This control is decided by the owner of the gym because they should know how much income and expenditure is coming in and out of the gym. The budget should help the business grow but at the same time, not fall into major debt. The budget for the gym would be constantly changing to meet customer demands but the average budget would be about $5000 a week. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 283)

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Count of Monte Christo :: essays research papers

The Count of Monte Christo I want to introduce you to, â€Å"The Count of Monte Christo,† by Alexandre Dumas. It is a story that starts as a love story that turns to betrayal and revenge. The Count of Monte Christo is set in France about 1804 in a large city. There was confusion to who led France, King Louis or Napoleon. France was divided by the two ruling parties. The main character is Edmond Dantes. He did many things in this story. He was a sailor, a lover, a friend, a captain, and a prisoner. Edmond was a tall, skinny black haired man in his twenties. When he was on the boat Pharon, the captain died and he was promoted to captain. When they return, he was convicted of treason and put into prison. Edmond was betrayed by the jealousy of his friends. His shipmate, Danglars, really wanted to be captain. Ferdinad wanted to marry Edmonds’ girl friend, Mercedes. Danglars and Ferdinand wrote a letter accusing Edmond of carrying a letter from Elba to the Bonapartist committee in Paris. On his wedding day, Edmond was arrested and taken before a deputy named Villefort. Edmond was secretly imprisoned in the deepest dungeons of the Chateau D'If. There Dantes' imprisonment was secured by the plotting of his enemies outside the prison, particularly towards Villefort, who wanted to cover up his own father's connections with the Bonapartists. Dantes spent 14 years in prison. While in prison, he was determined to escape and began digging a tunnel to hoping that he would escape. While digging his tunnel, he met an old inmate named Abbe Faria. The old man taught Edmond history, mathematics, and languages. In Edmond's fourteenth year, Faria became very ill. The old man told Edmond where to find a massive buried fortune. When Faria finally did die, his body was placed in a burial sac. Edmond hid in Faria’s body sac. The jailers threw the sack into the sea which allowed Dantes to escape. Dantes recovered the buried treasure and became extremely wealthy. He returned as the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo. He was slowly plotting to get even with the four men who had caused him to be sent to the Chateau D'If. Ferdinand had married Mercedes and was now the Count de Morcef. Monte Cristo released information to the press that proved that Morcef is a traitor, and Morcef is ruined socially. The Count of Monte Christo :: essays research papers The Count of Monte Christo I want to introduce you to, â€Å"The Count of Monte Christo,† by Alexandre Dumas. It is a story that starts as a love story that turns to betrayal and revenge. The Count of Monte Christo is set in France about 1804 in a large city. There was confusion to who led France, King Louis or Napoleon. France was divided by the two ruling parties. The main character is Edmond Dantes. He did many things in this story. He was a sailor, a lover, a friend, a captain, and a prisoner. Edmond was a tall, skinny black haired man in his twenties. When he was on the boat Pharon, the captain died and he was promoted to captain. When they return, he was convicted of treason and put into prison. Edmond was betrayed by the jealousy of his friends. His shipmate, Danglars, really wanted to be captain. Ferdinad wanted to marry Edmonds’ girl friend, Mercedes. Danglars and Ferdinand wrote a letter accusing Edmond of carrying a letter from Elba to the Bonapartist committee in Paris. On his wedding day, Edmond was arrested and taken before a deputy named Villefort. Edmond was secretly imprisoned in the deepest dungeons of the Chateau D'If. There Dantes' imprisonment was secured by the plotting of his enemies outside the prison, particularly towards Villefort, who wanted to cover up his own father's connections with the Bonapartists. Dantes spent 14 years in prison. While in prison, he was determined to escape and began digging a tunnel to hoping that he would escape. While digging his tunnel, he met an old inmate named Abbe Faria. The old man taught Edmond history, mathematics, and languages. In Edmond's fourteenth year, Faria became very ill. The old man told Edmond where to find a massive buried fortune. When Faria finally did die, his body was placed in a burial sac. Edmond hid in Faria’s body sac. The jailers threw the sack into the sea which allowed Dantes to escape. Dantes recovered the buried treasure and became extremely wealthy. He returned as the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo. He was slowly plotting to get even with the four men who had caused him to be sent to the Chateau D'If. Ferdinand had married Mercedes and was now the Count de Morcef. Monte Cristo released information to the press that proved that Morcef is a traitor, and Morcef is ruined socially.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Robinson Crusoe :: Free Essay Writer

Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. The novel was firstpublished in 1719. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes maroonedon a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. Daniel Defoe was a short story writer that came from an poor family.Defoe was poor for most of his life and made his living as a butcher and awriter. Defoe mostly wrote short stories and political essays. Robinson Crusoewas a combination of two short stories. Many believe Defoe used RobinsonCrusoe to portray himself in a certain ways. The description was almostidentical to his own and after his wife left him, he felt as if he was marooned on a deserted island. The story takes place in the 1700s on a deserted island somewhere off thecoast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a small shore. Theinterior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other small animals and asmall cave in which Crusoe stores food. I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some small birds.The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were asmall knife, a box of tabacco, a pipe, and a small book that would later becomehis journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremelytall and strong. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn manto an open-minded protestant. Standing at six feet, two inches and having my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permission of my parents, I was still sailing away from the misery. I held the cargo box is my strong arms, waiting to board my beautiful ship.Crusoe became a skilled craftsman and was an extremely religious man due tohis stay on the island. Being the only man on the entire island, he established afaith in God. He also became more articulate from writing in a journal daily.Overall, his stay on the island changed Crusoe's life greatly. As the story begins, Robinson Crusoe defies his parents and sets out tosea. Crusoe encounters a series of violent storms at sea and ends up in Africa.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Critical Response to Secret History by: Leonora Sansay Essay

The novel â€Å"Secret History† by Leonora Sansay for readers it is a little complicated. It is mainly talking about a young lady that travels a lot with her sister. Her sister and her husband got divorced and she started writing some stories in the form of letters. The novel â€Å"Secret History† is showing us how bad the way of treatment was in Europe and the marriage at this time was a hard issue. The women were treated badly and people had a lot of problems because they used to get in a relationship and it was not allowed at this time, so this created more problems. Sansay in the novel is showing us on her writing the various sides of gender and marriages in a very nice way of writing. Sansay has her own way of writing that you see a little bit complicated but when you read till the end she gives readers the conclusion behind what she writes. In â€Å"Secret History† Sansay is showing us her personal experiences that she had with Mary and Clara her sister. She had a lot of problems with her husband and she has been always gloomy and unhappy. Mary writes letters to Burr and she is explaining about how her sister’s husband is bad with her and he treated her in a horrible way. She also wrote about the Haitian culture and how they live under the colonial law and their regulations. They had ethnic and culture problems and they faced a lot of fighting and brutality with the Haitian’s, but the female was so strong together. Sansay does not seem to like the British in this novel and she said that they are thieves and they robbed them unlike the Americans. In the horrors of St. Domingo, Sansay also showed us how the female under the Haitian revolution were oppressed especially when it comes to marriage. They had a lot of brutality at this time and there were always problems with the military and the people who lived there. The relationship with men and women were very complicated and it has to be under colonial powers. In some of Mary’s letters she said that by participating in the balls, this changed Clara’s condition and made her feel better, because she was depressed because of her marriage. The balls seem to be good for female and male to get to know each other more and break that oppression that females have under the colonial powers. In the novel, readers find out that the French people think that will only how they will look it will make certain of their triumph and they would win women’s hearts, and also conquering the Haitian powers. Clara also in having a relationship with Rochambeau and this shows how female/ male used to deal with each other at the time of the Haitian revolution and that Rochambeau is taking advantage of Clara at war time so that he can stop her from departing the island. This is an example of how women were abused under the Haitian rule and they were an example of its outcomes. Rochambeau always wants to overpower and defeat Clara, whenever she introduces herself as the wife of the French colonial, and this shows an example of the married people relations with each other. Mary and Clara decided to go to Cuba, they were always introduced to other women that have a lot of problems with their husbands and they were all looking for their freedom. At the end of the novel, readers see the difference of how the women used to be and how they started to have their freedoms back. There was no more danger and threatening from the black women to white women. â€Å"Secret History† is a great example of violence, and the difference between the time of the Haitian revolution and the time after it.

Blended Families Essay

Cartwright (2010) found that couples who re-marry after divorce can often be led to that decision by the need for an intimate relationship and the benefits they receive from that relationship. The need for financial means also brought some to the decision that they would cohabitate before re-marrying. Cartwright also came to the conclusion that while a lot of the participants in the study were aware of the possible difficulties of becoming a blended family, most of them did not talk to one another about certain parenting issues such as discipline and rules. Most of the participants also did not discuss how they would handle this change for the children involved in the two families that were blending. Cartwright says that these findings supported earlier research that suggested that couples who are blending their families often avoid talking about difficult issues so as to avoid conflict. What Percentage of Households Have Blended Families? Studies have shown that about 9% of married couple households and 11.5% of households where the parents are living together but not married, have stepchildren who live in the home. (Teachman & Teadrow, 2008) A survey done, called the HILDA survey, showed that 13% of households in the third wave of the survey, have stepchildren that either live in the home or do not and on some occasions both. A longitudinal study was done and indicated that out of the 1265 people involved in taking the study, 18.6% of them had lived in a stepfamily between the ages of 6 and 16 years old. This study included participants where the household was either remarried or cohabitating. (Nicholson, Fergusson, & Horwood, 1999). Many stepfamilies find challenges that make it very difficult to have normal functional interactions amongst its’ members. What Areas of Concern Are There for Children in Blended Families? Through research studies on blended families there seems to be a much greater risk of negative outcomes for children that are part of a blended family, as opposed to other children around  them who are from a first time marriage. (Amato, 2000; Bray, 1999: Hetherington & Kelly, 2002). When researchers have done studies on stepfamilies post-remarriage, they have found out very little about how the couple prepares themselves and their families before they re-marry or move in together to live as a whole family unit. There are a couple exceptions. A study done in 1989 in the US was conducted specifically to find out what couples do to prepare themselves and their families for a re-marriage. (Ganong & Coleman, 1989). More recently than that a study was done in Britain that questioned both the mothers and the stepfathers to find out what it was they did, if anything, to prepare prior to the re-marriage. (Smith & Robertson, 2008) The findings were that many re-married quickly and did not discuss what each other’s role would be when it came to parenting. (Ganong & Coleman, 1989; Robertson, 2008; Smith, 2008). Evidence appeared that showed there was very little, if any, help given to the children to help them with the transition into this new family life. (Robertson, 2008). How Common is Re-Marriage? Research shows that almost 20% of Americans are divorced and remarried. It has become increasingly common over time. Stepfamilies are becoming the fastest growing family unit. (Berger, 1995; Walsh, 2003b). Studies estimate that one in every two couples in the United States will divorce (Derma, 1999). What Are the Legal Ramifications of a Blended Family? Legal battles can become very expensive and are very complicated. Centuries ago, it was said that the children â€Å"belonged† to the father and so when a marriage ended, the children would stay with the father (Knibiehler, 1995). This was due large in part to the father having to financially support, educate and protect his children much like the father figure of Christian Mythology (Friedman, 1995). Around the time of the Industrial Revolution came domesticity. With that came the idea and emphasis that a child’s need to be emotionally nurtured was more important. That did not change the father’s legal obligations to financially support, educate and protect his children. With that, the  father’s role became one more of support while the mother’s role took the lead as the one who provided the children with emotional nurturance (Jacob, 1988). The one exception to the rule that the mother should have custody of the children, was that she be proven to be the cause for the end of the marriage. If that could be proven, she risked losing her property and her children. Around 1975, the idea of â€Å"no-fault† divorces was starting to have an impact on legislation (Fogarty, 2001). While the arguments for this type of divorce were mostly moral ones, the leaders of politics and religion were arguing that we had lost what once held our society together. Another big part of â€Å"no fault† divorce proceedings that nobody gave much attention to for a long period of time, was how violence or abuse within the marriage and family should affect the outcome. Very slowly did family courts begin to take in to consideration the unacceptable behaviors towards spouses and children. Then they began to make decisions based more on those findings. What Things Help a Blended Family to Be Successful? According to Visher, Visher & Pasley, 2003, becoming a blended family is a very complicated process that involves transitioning from one’s previous life and household to a whole new life and possibly household where things may be very different than before. There are many things to be thought about when choosing to blend a family. Several things must be examined since they may influence how the new family blends together. It is important to know the experiences of the previous marriage, for both parties. It is also important to know how the continued contact with the previous spouse is handled. Also important is how each spouse differs when it comes to personal maturity, the experiences each has had throughout their lives and what social status they hold. Finally, knowing what each partner considers the norm and what each ones expectations are (Swenson, 1997). Understanding how to help families of remarriage to blend successfully is an important outline for research, intervention and prevention efforts within blended families (Von Eye & Schuster, 2000). Using this approach helps to guide families when they face challenges or difficult times within their blended family (Hawley, 2000;Walsh, 1998b;, 2003a). When talking about resilience in a blended family, a lot of things are brought into the mix. Risk factors such as stressful events or bad conditions are weighed against protective factors such a family and community support to help blended families and their children to be successful in working through the hard times (Norman, 2000). According to McCubbin and McCubbin, (1988), there are certain dimensions, characteristics and features that must be looked at in order to help a blended family be more resilient to the hard times. They look at resistance to disruption in the event of a change and how well a person adapts in a critical situation. Walsh (1996) came up with the idea of relational resilience. Models have been created to test these factors. The first model, the pre-crisis ABCX model looks at the A (stressor), B (resource), and C (definition of the stressor) which help families protect themselves and get through crisis. Second are the models that focus on before and after crisis factors and the FAAR Model that was developed by McCubbin and Patterson (McCubbin et al., 1996). Last is the Typology Model of Family Adjustment and Adaptation, developed by McCubbin and McCubbin (McCubbin et al., 1996). This model focuses on what patterns are used in the way the family functions and what each persons role is in adjusting and adapting during adversity or crisis. According to Walsh (1998b), making a blended family successful and helping them to stay together can be accomplished by encouraging the family’s belief system, a supportive community, communication with one another and support within the family structure, acknowledging that some adversity it very normal and standing together as a family and believeing that you can achieve what you set out to accomplish. How is Attachment in Stepfamilies Affected? Bowlby (1973) has found that while there is an endless amount of research done on attachment, very little of that has been done on stepfamilies. He found that the disruption of bonds that a child has may make it very hard to form secure attachments otherwise in life, therefore, leading to possible psychological disorders. Separation from a parent and conflict with a new stepparent may  cause problems with attachment and adjusting in the future (Henry & Holmes 1998). These types of situations often involve some form of threat (whether it be real or not) making one of the parents more unavailable (Kobak 1999). There was some speculation that a child being raised in a stepfamily would for sure have less secure attachments than those raised by their biological parents still together. They did state that insecurities may be part of the stress of divorce and remarriage (Love and Murdock 2004). As stated by Robert S. Feldman (2011), more than 5 million couples who are each others second marriages have at least one child that is a stepchild. He states that often times, a child’s role is unclear and they are not sure of what is expected of them. Children may not be sure what their responsibilities are as a part of the new family or how they should treat their new â€Å"parent† or â€Å"siblings†. Feldman also states that blending into a new family seems to be easier for children that are school age as opposed to teenagers. He states that it is due to several different things. The family’s financial situation usually improves with a remarriage and the addition of a second income. There are also more people in the family to share chores and responsibilities with as well as more people to have a social relationship with (Greene, Anderson, & Hetherington, 2003; Hetherington & Elmore, 2003). Though there is not much research on blended families and every aspect of the changes, challenges and success’s, it is clear that raising a blended family involves a lot of planning, preparing and nurturing on the part of the children to make it successful for everyone involved.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Indian Horse Essay

Jerome?s, and finally ends when he is an adult unraveling the layers Of his Firstly, Sail's journey for the truth begins in his early childhood. Past. During this time, Saul faces many demons he does not know how to deal with, so he chooses to run away from them. By doing this, Saul is haunted by these demons for the rest of his journey. At a young age, he witnesses the impact residential school has on his mother: â€Å"It was as if she was under the influence of a potent medicine no shaman had the power to break† (Wages 9). As he sees his parents reject their reality, he also rejects his win reality.This hinders Sail's journey, as reality must be taken for what it is, not hidden away. His parents also drink as a way to escape: † â€Å"80th my parents had taken to the Sunshades drink, and we left the bush in pursuit of it† (Wages 12). This further distances them from Saul, to the point where they are not there to raise him. This is why Saul embarks on his journey alone, as he believes that there is no one else able to help him. Finally, the only beacon of light in Sail's childhood, his grandmother, dies in his arms: â€Å"Instead, she was gone. Frozen to death saving me, and was cast adrift on a strange new rive' (Wages 24).Sail's grandmother is very important to him, so upon her death, Saul loses hope that his reality can be handled. From this, Saul tries to escape reality rather than face it, but the consequence is that he is unable to progress from this time period. He chooses to bottle up all these traumatizing events within himself, but this sets off his tumble into darkness. Due to his troubled upbringing, Saul does not accept his life as an Indian, nor the person that he used to be. Thus, the central theme is introduced, that people's past must be confronted, not avoided, so that they can move on, and accept their former selves.Secondly, after Saul enrolls at SST. Groomer's, he suffers deep mental and physical abuse, which hinders hi s journey for the truth. His time at SST. Jerome is the most traumatizing period of his life, as Saul clearly states â€Å"SST. Groomer's took all the light from my world† (Wages 35). The harsh environment Of the school scars Saul emotionally: I saw kids die of tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonia and broken hearts at SST. Groomer's. Saw young boys and girls die standing on their own two feet. I saw runaways carried back, frozen solid as boards. I saw bodies hung from rafters on thin ropes.So I retreated. T hats how I survived. Alone. When the tears threatened to erupt from me at night I vowed they would never hear me cry. I ached in solitude. What I let them see was a quiet, withdrawn boy, void of feeling. (Wages 44) Saul pushes away this reality by this by cutting himself off from the rest of the world and forgetting his true self. By doing this, he is able to survive, but he is arced to deal with the truth much later in his life. This would push back Sail's journey, as it co ntributes to the demons that he faces and carries with him.Ignoring reality just makes it even more difficult to deal with it afterwards. However, Saul is also special, as he is gifted with the vision that allows him to excel at hockey. Thus, he uses the sport as a distraction: ‘When I hit the ice I left all of that behind me. Stepped onto the ice and Saul Indian Horse, the abandoned Ojibwa kid, clutched in the frozen arms of his dead grandmother, ceased to exist† (Wages 66). Hockey is Sail's shield, and it is the way that he escapes from reality, but it does not help him confront his past. Instead Saul runs away from his past.No matter what people do, their past will always catch up with them. Finally, Saul reveals that Father Liberties raped him: â€Å"He was my captor, the warder of my innocence. † (Wages 162). The reader does not know this until much later, and this is reflective of Saul. Since he chooses to oppress those memories so that he forgets, he also a llows Father Liberties to continue to rape him. Those who ail to understand the past are bound to repeat it. As Saul is not able to fully comprehend the reality of his time at SST. Groomer's, he chooses to bury it deeply within himself.However, by doing this, Saul suffers great consequences, and he is unable to progress in his journey searching for the truth. This develops the central theme that the past must be confronted, not escaped, to be able to move along with life. Finally, much later in his life, Sail's journey comes to an end, and he is able to accept himself. Initially, when he loses his protection that was hockey, Saul is forced to slowly and eloquently face his past: M/hen the racism of the crowds and players made me change, became enraged because they were taking away the only protection had.When that happened, I knew that the game could not offer me protection any longer. The truth of the abuse and the rape of my innocence were closer to the surface. † (Wages 160 ) Yet, this is not the end of his journey, as he is not ready to face his past. As Saul prolongs his journey, he also continues to suffer. He dodges the past by pursuing a nomadic life before taking to alcohol: â€Å"In alcohol I found an antidote to exile . Covered that being someone you are not is often easier than living with the person you are. I became drunk with that. Addicted.My new escape sustained me for awhile† (Wages 144). By doing this, he faces even more demons, forcing him to dig even deeper to find the truth. Finally, Saul come to the realization that he must visit SST. Groomer's, now closed, and God's Lake, the place of his upbringing: â€Å"I'd never walked the shore of the lake completely. But did so that day, and every step closer to our old family campsite transported me further back. The angst in my belly disappeared. My thoughts cleared. I walked in a peace could not recall having experienced before† (Wages 163).Saul must come to terms with himsel f, so that he is able get rid of all the demons that he carries. By doing this, he is able let go of the past, and progress into a new phase of his life, one in which he is not constantly trying to escape. This leap is very difficult for Saul, but by doing this, he was able to find the truth he was searching for, thus completing his journey. His journey, albeit long and difficult, is ultimately successful, as by miming to terms with his past, Saul is relieved of all the pain he has been holding onto, and is able to accept himself.This also finishes the development of the theme that the past must be confronted to be able to move along. It does not manner the journey that people take to come to terms with the past, but it is only necessary that in the end, they are able to accept the past for what it is. In conclusion, Sail's life can be seen as a journey. From his days as a young Indian to his early adulthood, Saul choose to oppress any collections of the harsh reality of his childho od, instead choosing to distract himself with hockey, work, and alcohol.